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Electronic Materials in Microelectronics and Telecommunications

Short Technical Description
Under the term electronic ceramics is usually understood an extended number of material families used for the manufacturing of components that serve inductive (L), capacitive (C) and resistive (R) functions in electronic microcircuits. Their properties depend on the chemical composition and on the characteristics of the microstructure. They are synthesized either in bulk form for the manufacturing of monolithic components or in the form of thin films for the manufacturing of multilayer components.
Research in the lab focuses on the synthesis of very thin films of intermetallic substances by gas phase deposition techniques or on the synthesis of polycrystalline monolithic electronic ceramic materials. The main research objective can be summarized in understanding the relations between composition, microstructure and electrical properties as well as the relation between synthesis process parameters and obtained microstructures.

Indicative Applications (Social Driver: Energy, Society)

-Development of magnetic materials with very low losses resulting to smaller and economic electric and electronic devices
-Development of  high saturation induction materials for new generation of power generators in the aerospace industry
-Development of materials for the manufacturing of very high frequency non-reciprocal components for emitting and receiving antenna functions in satellite communications
-Development of materials for broad frequency range electromagnetic energy absorption      

Part of the research is conducted in cooperation with the European Space Agency.

Indicative publications
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 322 (2010) 517-522
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. (in press 2011)



  Lab of Materials Technology